5 Beauty Treatments You Can Finally Get Into During Self-Isolation

Because of the pandemic, we have to work from home. As the country came to a stop, most businesses out there temporarily closed. This includes hair dressers, beauty spas and nail salons. Yet, it does not mean we can no longer take care of ourselves. We may have nailed down how to stay healthy while working from home, we can do that too with skincare. At Infinity Laser Spa, we are here to help you. That is why we came up with 5 beauty treatments you can do while self-isolating.
Even though we would much rather be outside in the sun and enjoy the beginning of spring, we understand the importance of staying inside to flatten the curve. We also get that a few weeks of self-isolation are the perfect occasion to get into some skincare treatments that requires a lot of time and that we would not have done in any other context.
As we stay inside and work from home, we no longer have to get ready for work in the morning. Thus, we do not have to be presentable. That perfect makeup look? If you wish to sport it at home, good for you. If not, you do not have to. Those flawless hair? Well, waiting another day or two before washing them will not hurt anyone, will it?! And those 5 beauty treatments we found for you will help you take advantage of that new context we are all in.
We also get that the pandemic, working from home and this whole situation may cause stress. Stress can in turn really affect your skin. If you are looking for ways to reduce stress in your life, head over here. But we can also guarantee that those 5 beauty treatments down below will help you get a glowing skin and healthy hair back. Those will give you a confidence boost you did not know you needed! And will get you ready to get back outside when the confinement ends.
1. Sebum Therapy For Your Hair
This is the first of our 5 beauty treatments. Oh, your hair is a bit shiny? It looks a bit greasy? Time to wash it. Shampoo, conditioner, mask, the full thing. We tend to associate a bit of oily hair with dirty. Which needs washing. Some people will wash their hair once a week, other every day. Indeed, some hair will get oily faster than others. To most, the appearance of the "oily substance" means that the hair indeed needs washing. However, it could not be any farther from the truth.
Many factors will influencer how quick our hair becomes "oily". The environment, pollution, your diet, your lifestyle, etc. Which will in turn influence your hair wash frequency. The thing is, washing your hair too often damages it. Indeed, the more you wash your hair, the more you risk damaging your scalp, which will in turn stimulate sebaceous glands. They are the one that produces that "greasy substance". In the end, you may quickly fall into a vicious circle. You wash to remove the oil, which produces more oil, that you want to wash away.
Now that you are at home in self-isolation or confinement, you do not have to wash your hair as often. Or at all for that matter as no one will be there to see it. That is why the confinement is a great opportunity to do what the French call a "sebum therapy". What is sebum? It is the greasy substance produced by the sebaceous glands which protect our scalp. It also gives the impression that the hair is oily, thus dirty, when produced in high quantities.
Sebum is actually really good for your hair. It gives it protection and can help makes it healthier, as it lubricates it to avoid drying up. Thus, use social-distancing to give the treatment a go. Wash you hair one last time. Do not apply any conditioner or cream. Nothing. Then, refrain from washing your hair for at least a week, up to a month. The length of the sebum treatment will depend on how long confinement lasts. Make sure you brush your hair morning and evening to spread the sebum evenly over your hair, from root to ends. Clean the brush once a day.
Not only will you give your hair a rest for at least a few days, you will also save some shampoo and other hair products you usually use. Plus, you will not have to go through washing your hair as often, since let's be honest, washing your hair is very inconvenient. That will give you some extra ten minutes of sleep in the morning. And you will end up with healthy, hydrated and rested hair once this is all over. Of course, wash your hair with a natural organic shampoo after the beauty treatment.
2. No-Makeup Skin Fasting
Wearing makeup has many advantages. It is perfect to hide any skin flaws, to enhance attractive features, to feel more grown up or self-confident, etc. However, makeup can also quickly become bad for your skin and create more problems that it was fixing. Hiding skin flaws with foundation will cover and clog pores, which will lead to irritated skin, breakouts and even infections in the worst cases. Other side effects like exposure to toxins, inability for the skin to breath, will create more flaws you wish to hide.
That is how you may fall into a vicious circle where you cannot go out without makeup while makeup might be making the problem worse. Fortunately, with self-isolation during the pandemic, you no longer go outside. Thus, it is the occasion to avoid wearing makeup for a short while and let your skin breathe and rest to get back to a natural glow and repair itself.
While you sport a no-makeup look around your house, do not forget to give your skin the proper care. It is important that you clean your face each morning and evening. Avoid soap. Micellar water is better and less aggressive. Treatment, exfoliation, mask, serum or cream, have a little beauty therapy at home using organic and natural products to help your skin recover from the pollution and toxins it was exposed to. Exfoliating will help remove dead skin cells.
Plus, not wearing makeup also proves economically smart for a short time. You will not need to buy supplies such as makeup remover, cotton pads or any new makeup products. Which will save you money. And you will have some extra time to sleep in the morning. As you have some time to fill in self-isolation, it may also be a good idea to go through all your makeup products and ditch anything that may have gone off. You should not keep anything for more than a year.
3. Oil Therapy For Your Hair
Third treatment of those 5 beauty treatments. We get what you were thinking. Oil therapy? Oil on my hair? What even is this treatment? If you thought of a frying pan full of oil you can relax. Oil therapy is not like that. As a matter of fact, the treatment is about covering your damaged hair with a high quality vegetable oil and leaving your hair and scalp absorb for a few hours. The results? Healthier, shiner and more beautiful hair.
An oil treatment is perfect for dry hair of course but people with greasy or mixed hair can also really benefit from it. If you have oily roots and dry ends, the treatment can really do your hair some good. In that case, you can apply the oil on the hair length and ends while avoiding the roots. You will end up with healthier hair. Know that such a treatment can help regulate the production of sebum when you pick the right oil. Nuts, jojoba or nigella oils are perfect in that case.
Whatever your hair type is, avoid mineral oils as they do not penetrate the hair and will not nourish it. You will indeed need a pure vegetable oil like argan, coconut or olive oil. The therapy starts with unwashed hair so that the oil sticks better to the hair. Apply on your hair length and tips one strand at a time to make sure the oil is evenly spread. Gather your hair in a bun, cover with plastic film or a scarf and let rest for a few hours. Ideally, you should let it rest for a full night.
The next day, wash your hair once or twice with a shampoo for sensitive scalp to remove any oil residue. You may get back to your usual hair care routine shortly after. Ideally, you would treat your scalp to oil therapy twice a week and since you are home all day, you can easily parade with a plastic film over your hair!
4. A Nourishing (Yet Smelly) Egg Mask
Now that our hair is being cared for, it is time to move into another skincare therapy, and this time for your face. Although this mask will work just as well on your facial skin than on your hair tips. So up to you how to use it. Just beware of the smell. And the smell is the main reason why self-isolation and confinement are the best time to give it a go. If you haven't guessed yet or read the title just above, we are talking about an egg mask.
Did you know that eggs can really help nourish the skin and unify your complexion? It is also great to nourish your hair fibre and combat split ends. The thing is, the mask has quite a strong odor since it uses eggs. Yet, as you are at home, either alone or within six-feet distance of other people, now is the great time to smell of eggs!
If you decide to use this egg mask for you hair, take a bowl and beat the eggs with a table spoon of olive oil and two tablespoons of mayonnaise. Mix thoroughly then apply the mask over your hair and scalp. Do not forget about the ends. Be generous with the amount of mixture you put over your hair. Leave to rest for at least twenty minutes then rinse away using cold water.
Your face will need a slightly different treatment. In a bowl, mix an egg white with two teaspoons of lemon juice and a tablespoon of honey. Apply on your face and let rest of ten minutes. Rinse with tepid water and gently remove the mask for a purified skin.
5. A Much Needed Detox For Your Nails
Last but not least of those 5 beauty treatments to do during self-isolation! Your face is not the only one that needs a bit of rest. As a matter of fact, your nails will also need attention, care and pamper. Especially if you are a fan of manicured nails, gel or shellac. The latter two are particularly damaging to your nail and it would be good to avoid them for some time.
First of all, remove your nail polish. If it is regular varnish, then a normal remover will do. Make sure there is no acetone. If you do have shellac on, you will have to buff the surface of your mani with a nail file to remove the shine, then soak a cotton ball in the acetone and place it directly on top of your nail. Follow by wrapping each finger with a small piece of foil, and after 10 to 15 minutes, the gel manicure should slide right off with the cotton ball.
Then, massage your nails with a bit of oil (almond, oil, etc). Exfoliate gently to remove any dead skin cells around your nails. Rub some lemon on your nails as it has great detoxifying properties. Finally, file gently to shorten. Do not cut as it damages keratin. After that short treatment, you nail will be healthier and look amazing. You may do the treatment once a week.
That is it for those 5 beauty treatments that you can do while staying at home in self-isolation and during social distancing. Now that you have time and are away from anyone, you can get into those skincare treatments easy and get a glowing healthy skin and hair on time for when life goes back to normal!
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