How does laser tattoo removal work?

laser tattoo removal work

Does laser tattoo removal work? And what is it about? Laser tattoo removal is the only method of removing a tattoo without causing scarring. It is the ultra-shot pulses of light emitted by the laser that shatter ink in a tattoo.

Laser tattoo removal seems like an easy and convenient way to remove an unwanted tattoo. However it is not and patient should not rely on it. The pain felt during a session is stronger than the pain felt when you got inked.

Know that you should avoid all other methods of tattoo removal. Tattoo removal creams are ineffective. They are bleaching creams that cannot penetrate to the dermis, which is where tattoo ink is located. Injection methods are also highly suspect and often cause significant scarring.

Excision surgery and CO2 laser will leave scarring as well. Laser tattoo removal is the only safe, effective and non-invasive solution to unwanted ink. At Infinity Laser Spa, we have been doing laser tattoo removal for years and are breaking down the procedure for you.

What is laser tattoo removal?

Laser tattoo removal is the fastest, most effective and safest way to remove tattoo ink. It is the only tattoo removal method that will not incur scarring and will allow the skin to heal in the most natural way. Essentially, the principle being laser tattoo removal is the breaking up of the ink. Now, how does laser tattoo removal work?

How does tattoo laser removal work?

The machine used for laser tattoo removal is called a Q-Switch. They emit an ultra-short pulse that is very fast. It is the heat and speed that are crucial to breaking up the ink particles. However, the Q-Switch laser will also need to make use of cold temperatures.

As a matter of fact...

To break up an ink particle, you need to heat it so that it expands due to thermal expansion. However, the zap has to be quick enough so that half of the particle remains cool. The opposing cool and hot forces then rip the ink particle apart. This process, called photothermolysis, is also used in laser hair removal.

Once the ink is broken, white cells will target the ink particles and consume them. Your body will then take over, digesting the particles until your body completely gets rid of them.

How long does laser tattoo removal take?

Laser tattoo removal may be an advance procedure, it still will not show immediate results. Many factors will indeed impact the effectiveness of the procedure and your results. For instance, while black ink is the easiest to get rid off, white ink is hard to work with. Blue and green are fine, but yellow and red are tough.

We explained in a previous post how the ink used and the size could also influence your results. Some pigments are harder to break. Finally, as a tattoo ages, the ink will fade making it easier to remove it. The newer a tattoo, the more difficult. Thus you might want to wait a bit before attempting to remove it or be ready to do more sessions.

How to know if the procedure will work on me?

Because results do no show straight after the procedure, some clients will indeed wonder whether laser tattoo removal works on them. Once the treated area starts healing, you will be able to see a lightening of the area.

Remember, do not panic if you do not see any changes after the first session. There is barely any difference after only one treatment. It is the succession and repeat of laser treatment that will produce good results.

That is why you always need to set up a free consultation with a technician before undergoing the treatment. They will be able to assess how many sessions you need, will give you a quote and will answer all the questions you may have. Laser tattoo removal works best when performed every four to six weeks.

The tattoo removal after-care will also play a big part in the results you will obtain. You can read more on what to do in between laser tattoo removal sessions here.

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