How To Transition Into A Fall Skincare Routine

How To Transition Into A Fall Skincare Routine
It's that time of year — your summer skincare routine is officially over, and you are forced to switch up your beauty routine. While we all know summer is a time for fun, carefree days (and nights) filled with sun, sand and surf, it can also be a time of excess. Our skincare routines are no exception.
That's why I've got the perfect solution to help you transition from a heavy summer skincare routine (full of SPF 30s and moisturizers galore) to a more toned down fall skincare routine that will leave you with soft, glowing skin instead of an oily mess by the end of the day

Use a Thicker Moisturizer

In the fall, it's time to start thinking about preparing for winter. Cold temperatures and dry air can really wreak havoc on your skin and cause dehydration which will aggravate any current irritation you might be feeling.

Use less exfoliators & retinoids

Dryness is the enemy here, and using retnoids and exfoliators only causes irritation and makes the dryness worse!

Experiment with humidifiers!

Because of the new dry air your skin must start to deal with, it's best to experiment with a humidifier as your skin may love the moisture. Always take things slow, and see what small changes make to your skin.
Don't forget to that sunscreen should still be used year round! The harmful rays from the sun don't stop in the fall, and protecting yourself is always top priority. Maybe try using a lower SPF, lighter sunscreen with some infused vitamin C! The extra vitamins can really take your skincare routine to new levels.

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