Bikini vs Brazilian laser hair removal

Bikini vs Brazilian Laser Hair Removal
What is Brazilian and laser hair removal
Many women don’t know the difference between a Bikini line treatment and a Brazilian. These treatments are both ways to remove all or some of the unwanted hair that grows in the pubic region. The difference is slight.
Bikini laser hair removal treatment targets the hair on the sides of the pubic area typically covering up to three inches beyond the line, ensuring a flawless look in panties or a bikini. Generally, Bikini laser hair removal will include the region up to one inch inside the panty line.
The Brazilian laser hair removal treatment gets rid of all the hair in the area. It includes the labia and perianal area as well
Bikini Line Laser Hair Removal
Bikini line laser hair removal removes the hair outside of the bikini front triangle. In other words, the treatment removes pubic hair just outside the V-Line, one to two fingers wide. Basically, it is the hair that may brim over your underwear. Standard bikini laser hair removal covers the area on the thighs where most undergarments hits.
The procedure takes five to ten minutes as the bikini line is one of the easiest and fastest areas to treat.
Due to the location on the body and the chaffing with underwear, you may experience ingrown hair prior to your treatment. You may notice some bumps even after, as you need to shave before each session and as all hair will not be removed at once. This is due to the hair growth cycle. Thus, you will need to exfoliate the area weekly to ensure ingrown hairs are being dealt with prior to your next session.
The bikini line is a very hormonal area. As a result, pubic hair will require more sessions to remove. Depending on your skin tone, hair texture, and color as well as hormones, you may need from six up to 12 sessions.
Full Brazilian Laser Hair Removal
Full Brazilian laser hair removal includes both the bikini line as well as the bikini front (and labia) plus inner buttocks, also called thong line. It is a more expansive treatment of the bikini area that aims to get rid of all pubic hair. The treatment goes up to where the happy trail ends. It lives you with smooth hairless skin all around the pubic and intimate region.
The treatment takes fifteen to twenty minutes. Shaving, even the thong line, is essential for the success of the treatment. Clients have reported that the area can become more sensitive closer to their monthly cycle. Thus, you may schedule your sessions around your cycle, whenever possible. However, we will still treat you on your period should you wear a tampon.
The full Brazilian and inner buttocks are hormonal areas and may require more sessions to complete the treatment. Expect to need eight to twelve sessions. Should you want to keep a line of hair or a little triangle above the pubis, this can be arranged.
What can I do to get my Brazilian/ Bikini laser hair removal treatment less embarrassing?
Some women do get embarrassed about getting laser hair removal on the pubic area, this is completely normal. Treatment in this intimate area may feel a little bit intimidating. Exposing this area to complete storage is something that is very difficult for some women, so how can you make this experience less embarrassing?
Try these simple things to make you feel less self-conscious about your treatment:
- Request the same professional for all your sessions
- Ask for a large towel to cover sections of the area throughout your session
- Try having a distraction like listening to music or chatting with the professional through your session to make the time go faster.
Laser hair removal on the bikini area does get less embarrassing over time as you become familiar with the treatment. You will start getting confidence when you begin to see the results of your laser hair removal treatment and you feel less self-conscious coming in for your sessions
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