Everything you need to know about Chemical Peels

Facials are among the most popular spa services available and for very good reason. If you are considering receiving some type of facial treatment, you probably already know that this relaxing experience can be highly beneficial to your complexion, as it will provide you with the fresh, radiant, and youthful skin that you love. If that’s something you’d like to achieve, perhaps consider trying a chemical peel.
Chemical peels safely remove or exfoliate the top layer of dead skin allowing new, more youthful, healthy skin to show through. While the skin typically sheds old, dull dead skin cells every 28 days, this process slows down with prolonged sun exposure and aging. Different facial peels are available to achieve a wide range of results. Patients can opt for lighter peels to achieve modest improvements in skin texture, while deeper chemical peels can achieve substantial results.
Patients can opt for lighter peels to achieve modest improvements in skin texture, while deeper chemical peels can achieve substantial results.
There are several types of chemical peels:
α hydroxy acid peels
β hydroxy acid peels
Retinoic acid peel
Phenol-croton oil peel
Chemical peels contain different types of acids that have varying depths of skin penetration. We usually use naturally derived alphahydroxy acids for these peels: glycolic acid (derived from sugar cane, grapes, or sugar beets), lactic acid (derived from sour milk), or salicylic acid (derived from plants) it can be done on your face, neck, or hands. There are many options depending on the needs and how sensitive is the skin. Some types of chemical peels can be purchased and administrated without a medical license, however, it is advised to seek professional help from a dermatologist.
What Issues Can A Medium Chemical Peel Treat? Medium-depth peels penetrate more deeply, into the dermis layer. We use them to treat the following: Acne scars Deeper wrinkles Uneven pigmentation Medium Chemical Peel Recovery The peeling agent is trichloroacetic acid. Medium peels will require some recovery time, as they leave the skin red and stinging. There will be some crusting, and the redness can linger for up to a few weeks
What is a chemical peel good for?
A chemical peel is a technique used to improve and smooth the texture of facial skin. In a chemical peel, a chemical solution is applied to the skin to remove damaged skin cells, treat wrinkles, correct scars, and sunspot discoloration. The regenerated skin is usually smoother and less wrinkled than the old skin.
Will a chemical peel remove dark spots? Yes, by encouraging cellular turnover, chemical peels can reduce the appearance or hyperpigmentation and acne scarring. Whether you're interested in a chemical peel for acne scars or you want to address poor skin tone or texture, we can help with chemical peels in various strengths and ingredients to achieve the best possible results.
What can chemical peels do? Chemical peels are an excellent way to renew surface cell turnover, leaving a bright and tight finish to the skin. They can truly be good for anyone. We treat patients dealing with acne, rosacea, melasma and more. Chemical peels are great for the face and the body!
How long does the chemical peel last, and what type of care is necessary?
Recovery time will vary depending on the straight of the peel. Immediately after the peel, your skin might feel sensitive, tight, and red. Any visible peeling can be controlled with a moisturizer, peeling usually lasts 3 to 5 days depending on the treatment.
To help with the healing, clean your skin with a gentle cleanser, moisturize, use sunscreen, and avoid heavy sweating for 2 to 3 days after the procedure. Sun exposure should be avoided while the skin is peeling.
Peeling skin should be alow to fall by itself picking or peeling off flaking skin may lead to scarring.
Is a chemical peel painful?
During a chemical peel, most people feel a burning sensation that lasts about 5 to 10 minutes, followed by a stinging sensation. Putting cold compresses on the skin might ease the stinging. You might need pain medication during or after a deep chemical peel.
Light chemical peels Recovery time is about four to seven days. Your skin may temporarily be lighter or darker. Medium chemical peels Your skin will recover about five to seven days after a medium chemical peel, though you may have redness that persists for months. Your skin will initially swell, and then form crusts and brown blotches before revealing new skin. Deep chemical peels Deep chemical peels will cause severe swelling and redness, with burning or throbbing sensations.
Who is a good candidate for a chemical peel?
Fair-skinned and light-haired people are better candidates for chemical peels. If you have darker skin, you might also have good results, depending upon the type of problem being treated. But you also might be more likely to have an uneven skin tone after the procedure.
What are the complications or potential side effects of a chemical peel?
Temporary or permanent change in skin color, particularly for women on birth control pills, who subsequently become pregnant or have a history of brownish facial discoloration. Scarring Reactivation of cold sores.
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