The Pros And Cons Of Laser Hair Removal

Summer is coming. Right, yes, not just yet. We've got a few more months before we get there. Yet, warmer weather means summer dresses. And showing up your legs.
A lot of women don't care about body hair. Others do. And for those who do, we have the perfect solution: laser treatments.
Now, we get that you may have a lot of questions. How does it work? Is it safe? What are the pros and cons of laser hair removal.
We made our mission to debunk laser myths. Yet, we get that it can be hard to pick the best hair removal method for you. They are, after all, aplenty.
What are my hair removal options?
There are a lot of hair removal options out there. Yet, very few guarantee permanent hair reduction. Even fewer offer permanent hair removal.
The most common method is shaving. It is quick, it is convenient, it is cheap. The ideal solution all in all, isn't it? No. Absolutely not.
The hair grows back immediately after your shave it. It also looks darker and thicker. Even though it is not. Sure, it is fast if you do your underarms.
Your full legs will not more time. And so will your full Brazilian.
Side effects include redness, skin irritation, razor burns and ingrown hair. The effects are very short-term. Thus, shaving becomes are daily worry. Still ideal?
Depilatory creams
Chemical creams are another popular way to remove unwanted hair. You apply the cream on your skin, let it rest for 3 minutes. Then you remove it under the shower.
Easy, isn't it? Not really. That may work for your lowers legs. Yet, areas like your thighs or underarms will be harder to treat.
Creams dissolve the hair. They are packed with harmful chemicals. Do not ever use them on your bikini area. It is way too sensitive.
Results are also short-term. Hair growth starts again immediately. Thus, you'll have to repeat the procedure very often.
Waxing is a short to medium-term hair removal method. You can do it at home. Although it is better done at an institute.
This means that the cost can get steep very fast. Especially as you will need an appointment every four weeks or so.
Waxing removes both the hair and the root. Thus, the hair follicle needs to produce a new hair. That is why hair growth takes longer.
Side effects includes ingrown hair, irritated skin and potential infections. Plus, waxing hurts a lot. Especially if you do your bikini line. Or full Brazilian.
Electrolysis is a permanent hair removal method. It sends a jolt of electricity down the hair follicle to destroy it. No new hair can grow.
The thing is, electrolysis is very expensive. Sessions are long. The procedure is time consuming. You do not pay per area. You pay per session.
Because electrolysis targets and treats each hair one by one. Thus, it is possible that a 15 minutes sessions will have treated just one third of your armpits.
It is also painful. And again, an expensive treatment.
Laser hair removal
Laser hair removal is a long-term hair growth reduction method. It reduces hair growth by up to 95%. According to the FDA, it does not remove hair permanently.
However, a lot of patients do experience permanent hair removal. The procedure uses laser machines such ads ND: YAG, Alexandrites and diodes.
Laser hair removal has both pros and cons. Patients need to know the possible effects of laser hair removal. Read below for more on that!
How does laser hair removal work?
Laser hair removal relies on selective photothermolysis. It is a precise microsurgery technique. It targets tissue in a specific area.
The technique matches the specific wavelength of light and heats the tissue and destroys it with a laser. All of this without affecting or damaging surrounding tissue.
During a laser session, a beam of light is produced. The light energy targets the pigments in the hair. Once the melanin has absorbed the light, it travels to the hair follicle.
There, it turns into thermal energy. The heat damages the follicle. That is how it prevents further hair growth.
One other thing laser hair removal relies on is the hair growth cycle. The procedure only works when the hair is in the anagen phase of growth.
Indeed, it is the only time the hair and follicle connect. During any other phase, the energy can not make it to its destination.
The thing is, only 20% of body hair is in the right phase of growth. And this, at any point in time. Thus, one session can treat up to 20% of hair.
That is why sessions are six weeks apart. So that the laser gets the chance to target every single hair. This regardless of the hair growth cycle.
That timeframe also allows the hair to move into the right stage of growth.
The cons of laser hair removal
The cost
The upfront cost is a big con of laser hair removal. Packages always include six sessions. Which you need to pay at once as you start your treatment.
It may seem like a lot of money. Especially as prices vary from one place to another. Some laser spa are more affordable than others.
Some cities will offer services that are cheaper too. But overall, the money you will have to pay upfront may deter you from trying the treatment.
The side effects
Another con of laser treatments are the side effects. They are rare but they exist. Just like for any other hair removal method.
Patients can experience redness and irritated skin. After all, the laser sends a lot of energy against the skin. It is a rare yet normal reaction. That fades after a few hours.
Crusting may also happen. Although a minor issue, it can be inconvenient. Especially if not left alone. Do not scratch, do not touch.
Skin discoloration is also a side effects. Some patients may notice some minor color changes. These changes fade over time.
The long process
Laser hair removal is a process that takes a year at least. One session can only treat up to 20% of unwanted body hair.
That is why you need at least six sessions. Some people have a stronger hair growth than other. Or a cycle that is harder to track.
Thus, you may need additional sessions. This means that you will have to come in for a session every six weeks for at least a year.
Which makes it a long process.
The variables
The results of laser hair removal are variable. Several factors can interfere with your treatment. Hormones for example. An imbalance or a huge change can trigger hair growth.
If you suffer from hirsutism, you may need a longer treatment too. Genetics can also play a role. Again, some patients have a stronger hair growth.
The results are unique to each individual. Dark hair on fair skin is easier to target than dark hair on dark skin or fair hair on light skin.
The pros of laser hair removal
We've been over the cons of laser hair removal. There are a few. Good things, the pros of laser hair removal are many too!
The hair growth reduction
One big advantage of laser hair removal is that it reduces hair growth. Yes, a lot of patient achieve permanent hair removal.
You will see a significant difference even after your first session. The hair will start shedding a week or so after.
After four session, you can expect at least a 50% hair growth reduction. How amazing will that feel?! Not having to worry about hair removal ever again!
The painless process
The biggest pro of laser hair removal? It does not hurt! Not like waxing. Which is incredibly painful. Especially around the intimate area.
Laser hair removal treatments feel like pinching. Or like a rubber band snapping at the skin. It is not completely painless. But it does not hurt.
Laser treatments are mostly comfortable. While the sensation is unpleasant, it is tolerable. Of course, each patient has a different tolerance to pain.
Plus, areas like the bikini, are more sensitive. Your treatment won't hurt like waxing. Yet, it will still be a bit more painful.
The fast treatments
Laser hair removal does not need much preparation. You shave before your session. You stay away from the sun. If you are on medication, you tell your technician.
A session for a small area takes up to ten minutes. Even a large area like the full legs is done fairly quick. 30 to 35 minutes.
You are in an out the treatment room in absolutely no time. Some patients come in for a session over their lunch break!
The problems it solves
Another benefit of laser hair removal is all the problems it solves. Problems cause by waxing or shaving.
Sure, it stops hair growth. Which is the most important thing. However, it does more. It prevent ingrown hair. Yes, it does.
Ingrown hair occurs when the hair curls under the skin or is unable to pierce it. It creates a little red bumps. Ugly, it can also be painful.
Ingrown hair can develop in skin infections. Not with laser hair removal though. Since, the procedure prevents hair growth.
The money saving
Yes, we said that the cost is a con of laser hair removal. In the short-term that is. Because it needs to be paid upfront.
However, on the long-term, you save big money. Think about it. You need to pay for a treatment just once. And then you are done.
If you wax, you need to pay each month. Same if you shave. And probably forever. You will still be spending money on hair removal even in twenty years.
Not with laser hair removal. You may need a touch up a year or so later. Yet, once you are done, you are done.
The peace of mind
Now, last but not least, something we all crave. Peace of mind. Not having to think about unwanted hair. Or booking our next wax.
Or being ready for the holidays.
Laser hair removal removes your hair close to permanently. You will not have to think about hair removal ever again.
No more stress, no more last minute panic. You'll be good. And that is the biggest pro of laser hair removal.
Is laser hair removal the right method for me?
We've been over the pros and cons of laser hair removal. Now, is it really the method for you? Are you a good candidate for a laser procedure?
Short answer, yes.
Long answer, it depends. Technically, anyone can undergo laser hair removal. While there are a few contraindication, they are mostly temporary.
For example, if you are pregnant, it is better to postpone your treatment. Or pause it if you were in the middle of it.
If you have been in the sun and tanned, same. Artificial skin pigmentation can interfere with your laser treatment. Give your skin ten to fifteen days to get back to normal.
However, overall, there are not really anything that will prevent you to undergo the procedure.
Laser hair removal works on all skin tones and complexions. It is safe on dark skin. As long as you use the right laser machine: ND:YAG or Diode laser with the 1064nm wavelength.
Blonde and ginger hair can also be treated. With the 755nm wavelength. However, grey and white hair cannot. Simply because they are lacking pigments.
Are you looking for long-term hair growth reduction or permanent hair removal? Do you want to stop spending so much on hair removal?
Then, laser hair removal is for you. There are a few pros and cons of laser hair removal. However, the pros vastly outweigh the cons.
And Infinity Laser Spa is the best place to start your treatment!
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