Why You Need To Stop Using Permanent Hair Removal Cream

The quest to find the perfect permanent hair removal cream method is endless. Actually no, it is not. You know us. Laser hair removal all the way. It solves a lot of problem and gets you hair free skin forever. Thus, there is an end in sight and it is laser hair removal. Although we busted all those laser hair removal myths already, we can understand that the treatment remains intimidating. Thus, people go through a lot of different hair removal methods before they eventually settle on laser hair removal. Depilatory creams are one of them.
People usually go through stages in their fight against body hair. Those who wish to be rid of hair I mean. They usually start with razors. After all, shaving is quick, easy, convenient and inexpensive. Even though the combined cost of shaving will add up with the years, in the short-term, it seems very worth it. Then, people tend to move onto depilatory creams, believing that the results hold longer than razors. Wrong, but we'll get onto that later.
What You Need To Know About Hair Removal Creams
When they do not pick depilatory hair removal creams as their second option, people will go for waxing or sugaring. After all, it is the closest to long-term hair growth reduction you get. After years and year of waxing, your hair growth system will eventually weaken and you will notice less unwanted hair. But that's gonna take a lot of time. And money too. Plus, waxing also has some negative side effects one needs to be aware of.
Do hair removal creams actually work, Do those permanent hair removal creams actually work? As long as you have the patience and allow the formula enough time to do its thing, depilatories work really well for removing unwanted hair.
What Are depilatory Hair Removal creams?
There are many brands of depilatory hair removal creams. The most common are Veet and Nair hair removal cream. Depilatory creams can be a cream, a gel or a lotion. The principle remains the same for all: to remove unwanted hair on the face and on the body. They are a common hair removal method because such chemical creams can be found in a drugstore or supermarket. Furthermore, they can be applied on your own and produce quick results.
Hair removal creams use a strong alkaline solution, that works by slowly breaking down the unwanted hair until it turns jelly-like and can be wiped off. When the formula is removed, the hair should come along with it effortlessly. Chemical hair removal isn’t new. Native Americans used a chemical called lye to get rid of body hair. People in ancient Turkey used quicklime, or calcium oxide, to remove hair. Nair, for example, has been around since 1940. It has successfully positioned itself as a fast, easy alternative to shaving and a less painful proxy to waxing.
Depilatory hair removal creams are spread onto the surface of the skin. The chemical used in such products will dissolve the keratin in the hair. Once the hair breaks down or dissolve, it can be wiped off the surface of the skin easily. Depilatory creams remove the hair shaft, not the hair root. Thus, they have the same effect as shaving.
How Do Hair Removal Creams Work?
Depilatories hair removal cream contain ingredients that work by breaking the bonds of hair. The bonds give hair strength and structure, so when you break these bonds, the hair can easily be wiped away and removed. Why is it beneficial for the skin to use hair removal rather than razor shaving? Depilatory creams work by dissolving the hair just below the surface of the skin whereas shaving sharply cuts the hair off at the skin surface. This means you're not left with prickly stubble.
Permanent hair removal creams contain chemicals that will break down the hair shaft. They usually contain ingredients such as thioglycolic acid: calcium hydroxide, sodium hydroxide and potassium. Those ingredients will increase the pH of the hair, effectively dissolving portions of the follicles.
The base chemical in depilatory hair removal cream makes the hair shaft swell or open. This helps the chemical salts enter the hair and break down the bonds that make hair fibers stick together. Chemical creams attacks sulfur bonds in the hair shaft. The sulfur reaction can cause a rotten egg smell.
There are many different formulas of chemical creams but they essentially all have the same goal: to break the hair shaft and dissolve the hair. Then, it can be easily wiped away. The cream, gel or lotion is applied with a spatula. Let rest for three up to ten minutes and wipe away with the same spatula. Remember to always rinse and wash any cream left away.
Not only are they painless, but they are incredibly easy to use and give amazing, long-lasting results in minutes. The innovative creams are formulated to break down the keratin structure of the hair follicle, so your hairs become so weak they break off as you wipe the cream away leaving you with smooth hairless skin for days at a time.
Benefits of Depilatory Creams
Depilatory hair removal cream and shaving are both pain-free options for at-home hair removal. Both methods remove hair at the skin's surface. Compared to shaving, depilatory creams don't irritate the skin and leave fewer skin lesions or papules . The irritation from hair removal cream usually fades faster than the small nicks and cuts you may get from a blade. Using Depilatory Creams Safely Do a patch test. It's important to make sure that your skin won't react badly to a depilatory cream before you use it. Always test it on a small patch of your skin before you use any. They're easily accessible, they're fast acting, they're inexpensive, they're painless.
Hair removal creams traditionally work by weakening the bond between the hair and the hair follicle by using harsh chemicals . If it works, the hair will fall out after some gentle exfoliation. Unfortunately, it doesn't always work according to plan.
Cons Of Hair Removal Creams: The harsh chemical smell Doesn't always work, chemical burns Leaves behind patches of hair permanent hair removal.
Chemical burns might also be a result of attempting to use the cream again as some users have reported that it doesn't remove it all the first time around. As with other depilatory creams, Nair hair removal cream also isn't a permanent solution to unwanted hair. Individuals with sensitive skin should probably avoid hair removal cream as it can irritate the skin. There are many different formulas on the market, but these creams use chemicals designed to break the hair, allowing you to wipe it away
Can Depilatory Creams Permanently Remove Hair?
Depilatory creams are not a permanent hair removal method. They are not a long-term hair reduction method either. The combination of chemicals present in chemical creams such as Nair hair removal cream or Veet will dissolve the hair shaft. some will break the Keratin. However, everything will happen directly below the skin surface yet still above the hair root.
As a result, the hair will be able to start growing back almost immediately after applying depilatory cream. In the end, using a depilatory cream is similar to shaving, the only difference being there is no blade. The results may last longer since the depth of action is bigger than with shaving. The speed of regrowth will also vary from one person to another as well as their hair growth cycle.
If you used to shave once a week, it is likely to you will also have to Nair once a week. As of now, the only permanent hair removal method called as such by the FDA is electrolysis. Laser hair removal is considered a long-term hair growth reduction method even though a lot of patients achieve permanent hair removal.
So, if you are asking, does nair permanently remove hair? The answer is no, it is not a permanent hair removal method.If you want to remove your unwanted hair permanently, it is best to get it laser hair removed. Other options include chemical depilation and electrolysis, which uses shortwave radio frequencies and is found to be the most effective method for permanent hair removal. You'll be so impressed with our results. Lasers are able to target unwanted hair and permanently destroy hair follicles without causing damage to the surrounding skin. Melanin found in the hair's root attracts wavelengths that are emitted by the lasers, preventing the hair from growing back.
Depilatory creams don't provide permanent hair removal but can sometimes slow down hair growth. Olay Smooth Finish Facial Hair Removal Duo Different from other depilatory creams, Olay Smooth Finish Facial Hair Removal Duo is one of the few that is safe to use on the face. Its delicate two-step formula makes it safe to use on delicate skin without the risk of chemical burns.
Are hair removal creams safe?
In general, hair removal creams are considered safe. Unlike shaving, you won't have to deal with cuts or razor burns; however, people with sensitive skin may experience irritation and discomfort.
What Are Their Side Effects?
People have been removing unwanted hair for centuries. Depilatory creams are a modern way to do this, but hair removal dates back to ancient Egypt. Many methods of removing unwanted body hair can be unpleasant: Waxing can be painful. Shaving can produce tiny nicks on your skin, causing soreness and irritation.
Now, you might be wondering, is nair bad for you?. There are may reasons why you should stop using depilatory creams as a way of removing hair. First of all, it is economically not sustainable since it becomes quite expensive in the long term. Second of all, it is not more effective than shaving. Third of all, it will never be permanent nor produce long-term results. However, the main reason why you should stop using depilatory cream is because of all the negative side effects they can have.
Skin irritation
Ingredients such as calcium thioglycolate can cause varying amounts of skin irritation. This will depend on how sensitive your skin is and what part of your body you are using the product on. Skin irritation can vary from a mild tingling or burning sensation to the appearance of a rash (chemical dermatitis). The application of a soothing lotion, such as those containing aloe vera, may also lessen skin irritation.
Chemical burns
Depilatory creams combine two main active ingredients: potassium thiogycolate and calcium hydroxide. Those can create a potent chemical mixture that can burn if left too long on the skin. The recommended time of application usually is three minutes. Ten minutes is the maximum. Of course the probability of getting burns also depending on how sensitive your skin is. Symptoms can be small like redness and forming blisters. However, they can get as severe as vomiting, dizzines, fainting, and weakness.
Allergic reactions
With all those chemicals, experiencing an allergic reaction is also possible. It can turn into a dangerous risk depending on the severity of the reaction. It is always best to test the product on a small area of skin prior to using it fully. Thus, you will be able to see how your skin reacts. Allergic reactions may include swelling, welt formation, rash, hives, difficulty breathing and dizziness. If you experience an allergic reaction, seek medical attention immediately.
Should You Use Depilatory Creams On Sensitive Areas?
No. And that is the only possible answer. The chemicals in depilatory creams are active formulas meant to dissolve the hair shaft. Even using such creams on a "non sensitive areas" has risks: burns, irritation, allergies. The skin around private parts and on the face is very sensitive and vulnerable to such products. Thus, depilatory creams are very often not suitable for sensitive areas.
We understand the desire to remove hair around the bikini line or near the pubic area. However the skin is much thinner there, meaning it is more sensitive to burning. The best course of action is to avoid using depilatory creams there and look for an alternative hair removal solution. While shaving will not produce good results and waxing will be painful, laser hair removal is the best way to remove hair around the bikini area.
In conclusion
Depilatory creams are a short-term hair removal methods that will never let you achieve that smooth skin you so much desire. It is also not without risks for your skin and health. Plus, it is never a good idea to subject your body to chemicals. The best alternative to depilatory creams remains laser hair removal, which is much safer and produce greater results.
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